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Newest trends for interior design decoration

Here you will have some of the interior design decoration, which you will see the most recent trends and colors used to give a new fashion and luxury look to your living room.



In this living room we have a painting that stands for the room, emphasizing this elegant sofa with a beautiful small detail in the corner. We still have a well centered table covered in tones of gold, reflecting the sun light giving a bright to this luxury living room.

Newest trends for interior design decoration

Imagine yourself arriving at home, with mindful of stresses due to work problems, and come across with this gorgeous living room, using the trend colors of this year, with well filled walls ,simple clean paintings you would fall in love with the peace that the colors of this living room transmits and you will just stare around enjoying the luxury that you are in .

Newest trends for interior design decoration (2)

2016 trend colors will never leave us this year, especially if the subject is living room. Despite of the neutral colors presented in this room, you will automatically look to those simple, but at the same time, unique chairs with the serenity trend color. We also have a chandelier which gives bright and exalts the furniture. The fabulous painting also stands for in this living room creating the feeling of luxury.

Newest trends for interior design decoration (5)

A living room so simple but with a touch of luxury creates this cozy space. A place where you can be comfortable and relaxed in the sofa in front of a beautiful fireplace that fits perfectly and, of course, a mirror that defines the living room decor.

Newest trends for interior design decoration

When we look at this living room the first thing that occurs us, is this transitional style starting from the watch in the center, with the contrast between black and white, you can notice that if you look at the sofa and the chair creating a beautiful scenario .


This new year’s trends really give another look to the furniture and to the living rooms design. The maree sofa by Brabbu joining his beauty with the eden table by boca do lobo gives to this living room a real sense of luxury and richness, and in 2016 this colors will be present in every room to get another elegant decoration.

Newest trends for interior design decoration (3)

Here you can appreciate the difference that a piece of gold tone can give to the style of a living room. It creates a new environment inside the living room ensuring the lux with even small details like in the chair, even the couch has is line of gold tone. So, be sure to add this tone in your living room!


Gold tones are known as the synonym for richness and luxury and in this living room, there is no exception. Every single detail in this room connect to each other starting from the chair, lights, tables and of course, the sofa. Even the blanket combine with this details! If you need design ideas for living room decoration, remember to add these trend tones of 2016.

Newest trends for interior design decoration (6)

Christopher’s Guy one of the most iconic projects presented at the London design festival in 2015. The tones of gold are almost always in this exquisite projects and the serenity tone highlighted in the middle of this gorgeous furniture it’s impossible to pass through and miss this particular chair with serenity tones in this luxury living room decoration by Cristopher Guy.

Hope you liked our newest trends for interior design decoration! Please leave your opinion on our Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram or at the comment box below. Thank you!

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