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Creative and inspiring vintage living room designs

Creative and inspiring vintage living room designs

In the current days, some people still lean to come back in time and adorn their houses with antique time belongings. Well, not necessarily antique – but looking old or a little bit renewed like old typewriters, old models of cameras, or even coffer boxes!

There are times when vintage design is misrepresented to be penniless chic, they may have things in mutual but there are bigger differences that we will be capable to decipher when you get to take a double look on the styles written above.


Vintage are items that are manufactured from the 1920s to 1960s. Vintage is also considered as retro. This design is reached by showing old items as named above and the exceeding use of fabric and classic style furniture. Even a marvelous set of colors is also required to create the vintage appearance. Anyways, there’s nothing like seeing the photos we have below to see what we’re trying to explain here with words.  Let’s take a look to some creative and inspiring vintage living room designs !

10 creative and inspiring vintage room design_02
Image: SLIC Interiors

Tinted space with different details or furniture with single decor.


10 creative and inspiring vintage room design

A better room with single framed photos, mismatching pillow sets, accent chairs and marvelous handmade center table!

10 creative and inspiring vintage room design
Image: Vintage Renewal

Stuffed seats and one of a kind throw bolster designs! Add in cute pendant lights on the bottom – your vintage design is done!


10 creative and inspiring vintage room design
Image: David Howell Interiors

This room may have been a warehouse for stocks – high roof, clear huge space, but the interior design made is totally vintage decor!

10 creative and inspiring vintage room design
Image: Nina Interiors

10 creative and inspiring vintage living room designs
Image: rivoliinteriordesign.com


10 creative and inspiring vintage living room designs
Image: Bird House Interiors

This room is also made beautiful by the gray two-seater sofa and the beautiful skirt painted on the wall.


10 creative and inspiring vintage living room designs
Image: Nichole Loia Cono Design


10 creative and inspiring vintage living room designs
Image: Decor Demon


And there is it! Hope you like it. Please give us your feedback on the comment box or through our social media connections. Thank you for reading our blog. Have a good day!

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